Wednesday 17 June 2009


its taken so long, yesterday half my day was hard exams, i think i failed the thecnology exam though =[.
The other 2 went ok. chemistry i passed for sure. And for the biology exam i was up till 1:00 am studying, I'm already knacked and its only Wednesday.
Thanks for reading. and I'm hoping to stay more intoon over this summer

Sunday 3 May 2009

Long time blog

I'm sorry about the long time before i blogged, i have been having problems with my Internet and my blog, lol.
Well, what to say, i have been having a hard time with school lately, its been getting much harder.
Well, its mothers day today so I'd best be off.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


i think, if I'm lucky my books have arrived, if they have it should do my English classes for the rest of the year (my English classes are literally English classes, to teach the Spanish kids English, i don't have to do anything but read a book and do a summery of it).
Today was a very calm day at school, in technology we built an electric circuit, sports we played volleyball and all the other classes were boring but OK.
I have a language exam tomorrow so i have to be off.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!

Monday 16 March 2009

Monday, actually not to bad

Today wasn't to bad for a Monday (being tired doesn't count). My English teacher was fairly shouty but apart from her all the teachers were OK.
I'm normally very Bord on Mondays, and to tired to do all the work that gets sent to do in class. I usually bring it home and do it here.

Friday 13 March 2009


Finally Friday :], took it time to get here but it did. I think this last week at school has been the most tiring yet!!
Oh well, i will survive, i hope... lol. Tonight i might be watching a film called underworld (hope it was worth the wait. My brother told me that he saw it with some friends and that it cool, i only now that its to do with liquens (werewolf) and vampire's that are in a war, so on so forth.

Anyway, hope everybody that reads (or that doesn't) has a great weekend

Thursday 12 March 2009

quick one.

Well, what can i say but another day of studying, still as boring as ever.
Thanks Amy for the encouragement towards my blogging.

Anyway, back to the books =[.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

another anoying day at school, i almost lost my temper for the first time in my life... that wold have been bad for everyone arrownd me, but still, i held my breth and counted to 50.
I orderd some books yesterday.... 5 of them actualy, lol: Supirier saturday, spooks curse, secret and battle(i think) and another one that i think is called ice city or somthing, jone by the josua files.
The joshua files inspierd me to begin a blog because it seemed usefull, anyway later on today i will watch somthing called Avatar: the legand of angg. I think angg is spelt like that anyway =].

Best i get back to the stuff i have to do for school (friday is a very bisy day for me =[.).